Make your own Iced Coffee

24 07 2009

Ice Coffee

Everyday we line up for coffee, and in the summer months a cool treat is an iced coffee, but its expensive.
We all make coffee at home to save a few bucks, so why shouldn’t we make our own Ice Coffee?

GQ covers the topic in its June 2009 issue, and we are going to follow their lead on this one.

1. Pour about a third of a pound of freshly ground coffee into a 48 ounce french press. (Strong mix)
2. Fill the press with cold water and stir the wet coffee grounds.
3. Place the French Press lid over the coffee (don’t press the plunger) and leave at room temperature for at least 12 hours.
4. Press down the plunger, pour the concentrated coffee into a pitcher, and put in the refrigerator.
5. Dilute each serving of coffee 1-to-1 with ice cold water (use more water if the coffee’s too strong), pour over ive and serve with milk and sugar.

There are many recipes out there, so try them out and let us know what works for you.

Wikipedia – a global look at Iced Coffee
eHow – Iced Coffee Recipe
The Internet Food Association – Iced Coffee



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